Monday, October 25, 2010

The Lady That I've Always Rely On

Yes, a lady. Beautiful, not so tall, wonderful, super mom, a Farmville fan and always a great cook. My mother is everything to me that she owned half of my life. She baked a great chocolate cake, cook a wonderful sambal tumis and provide uncompareable hospitality. Afterall, that is what all the moms should do. It is great though to have someone like her around. And who is that 'someone like her'. It will be her sisters. My aunts, that always take care about me. You know, asking question like, are you ok? How is your studies? About this and that. Yes, my lovely aunts: Wangah, Alang, Acik, Atih. They never say bad things behind my back. They don't stab, kick and slap me. They don't gossip about me. What they do know is, he is my nephew and I should protect him. Back to my mother, she taught me how to stir a cake mixture once, and now, thank God that I know how to bake a cake. Lastly, I would like to appreciate your love mom. Thank you Mak.

The Power of Perseverance of a Man

I realised that I'm going to be older soon. Without my father, I'm not going to be here. I know I am a weak teenage boy who is going into an adult world. Sometimes, I barely can stand this huge pressure the world put on me. But, I often think about my father when things gone out of control. How he managed to stand firmly on the ground when people smack him hard on his heart of life. I still remember that day. That one particular day when a person called him a cow. And that person is someone that should back him up. Still, my father can walk around like nothing happened. When I look at him in his two aged eyes while he is enjoying that white burning stick in his mouth, I see a person full of stories. Yet, those stories only come out once in a blue moon. When he cracked a joke, it is a good one. Always make me laugh. This is a man that brings happiness to my life, he owned a quarter of my life and he inspired me all my life. Thank you Bapak.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunway University College July 2009 Science 1 Class

These people put a smile on my face everyday. Thank you and a huge hug to all of you. We always going to be buddies.

World Hunger

People talk about world hunger often. What is it? Is it a fiesta or a party or something we can benefit from? From the meaning itself, we know that this is not a platform to become a popular person. People talk about how crops planted around the world is not enough to feed humans. They talk about the difficulties in bringing enough yield so that they can feed everyone on Earth. Think. Are they really telling us the truth or they are just filling the pages of newspaper with lies and crap they we, or at least those hungry people don't want to listen to. My upcoming article is about the world hunger. Want to read it? You have to wait....

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Berjalan Ramadan Pergi, Merangkak Air Mata Mengalir

Aku menyahut salam tetamu ku yang pergi meninggalkan aku. Katanya, dia perlu beredar pergi bagi memberi ruang kepada rakan karibnya yang sering datang selepasnya. Maka, kemenangan yang besar di bawa oleh rakan karibnya. Kemenangan umat Islam di seluruh dunia yang wajib diraikan. Perintah ini datangnya dari Ilahi, bukannya pena peribadi. Allah SWT perintahkan supaya umat Islam meraikan hari kemenangan pada 1 Syawal menerusi surah al-Baqarah ayat 185. Mafhumnya, bulan Ramadhan yang diturunkan padanya Al-Quran sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan sebagai penjelas-penjelas dari petunjuk itu dan sebagai pembeza maka sesiapa yang telah menyaksikan bulan tersebut diantara kamu hendaklah dia berpuasa dan sesiapa yang dalam keadaan sakit ataupun berada dalam perjalanan maka gantikanlahnya dari hari-hari yang lain, Allah menghendaki bagi kamu kesenangan dan tiada Dia menghendaki bagi kamu kesukaran dan hendaklah kamu menyempurnakan bilangan tersebut dan hendaklah kamu membesarkan Allah di atas apa yang ditunjuk kamu dan mudahan kamu berterima kasih. Aku memanggil Ramadan untuk datang bertandang, tetapi panggilan aku tidak dihiraukan. Wahai Ramadan, pemergianmu membuatkan aku kesunyian. Mengalir air mata ku ketika kamu melangkah pergi. Alangkah kamu dapat berada di samping ku untuk masa yang lebih lama. Aku merindui mu wahai Ramadan. Sebelas bulan aku menanti kedatangan mu, hanya sebulan dapat aku curahkan rasa kasih dan sayang aku kepada mu. Aku rindu pada kesucian kamu yang menggunung. Alangkah labih baik engkau dapat menemani malam – malam aku buat masa yang lebih panjang. Engkau berikan kepada aku segala ketenangan dan kegembiraan yang aku inginkan. Wahai Ramadan, kelebihan yang engkau datangkan kepada aku tiada tandingannya. Pinta ku, bertandanglah buat masa yang lebih panjang. Bukankah ianya lebih baik buat kita berdua. Tapi aku tahu engkau patuh pada suruhan tuhan mu yang penuh dengan kebenaran. Sesungguhnya tuhan mu itu jauh lebih berkuasa. Dialah pemilik kerajaan yang tidak bertepi ini. Dialah yang lebih mengetahui apa yang lebih baik bagi kita berdua.

Kejemuan aku menzahirkan rasa cinta ku kepada mu tidak akan pernah lahir wahai Ramadan. Aku cinta pada mu dan segala isi yang engkau bawa bersama mu. Pulanglah kembali wahai Ramadan, sesungguhnya pemergian mu ditangisi. Kerinduan aku kepada mu sudah mula timbul. Aku rindu pada mu. Aku rindu pada mu. Aku khuatir jika aku tidak dapat berjumpa dengan mu pada masa hadapan. Tapi aku akur jika pencipta aku dan kamu mengambil kunci jasad ku ini; kerana Dialah maha kuasa, Dialah yang berkuasa atas setiap manusia yang ada di atas muka Bumi ini. Maka sujud dan patuh ku hanya tertumpah pada tuhan ku yang satu. Tetapi Ramadan, pemergian mu menarik air mata ku mengalir turun dari kolam mata ku. Rasa rindu dan sedih akan pemergian mu tidak dapat aku tahan. Kesucian mu hilang bagai sekelip mata setelah beredarnya kamu pergi. Keriangan beribadat sujud kepada pencipta di malam hari bagai pudar warna di kain yang meniti zaman tua. Tarawikh tidak akan disebut tanpa kehadiran mu wahai Ramadan. Keenakan bangun bersahur tidak akan sama tanpa ditemani kamu wahai Ramadan.

Tapi pengganti mu perlu dilayan sebagai tetamu. Maka kemenangan aku dan seluruh umat Islam akan aku sambut pada 1 Syawal. Janganlah engkau bersedih wahai Ramadan, memori mu tidak akan luntur dari ingatan aku yang sentiasa menanti kedatangan dan seri wajah mu wahai Ramadan. Raikanlah kemenangan kita pada 1 Syawal dengan membesarkan – besarkan Allah. Takbirlah pada malam Syawal dan pada 1 Syawal itu. Sebutlah nama pencipta mu, takbirlah supaya takbir itu dapat bergema, dan memenuhi setiap pelosok langit. Gemakanlah Bumi dipijak ini dengan nama maha suci Allah yang tidak mati, tidak berjantina dan kuasa yang tiada berpenghujung. Sujudlah pada tuhan mu di pagi 1 Syawal, zahirkan rasa syukur yang tiada sempadan. Sambutlah 1 Syawal dengan penuh kesederhanaan, keinsafan dan kesyukuran. Ingatlah pada pencipta kamu, Allah SWT. Hidupnya manusia atas kuasa Allah, matinya manusia atas kehendak Allah yang satu dan segala ruh dan amal manusia adalah milik Allah ‘azawajal.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ketaatan, Kedaulatan dan Kebudayaan

Sudah menjadi kebiasaan rakyat Malaysia mendengar lagu Negaraku dimainkan. Lagu ini selalunya sinonim dengan perhimpunan sekolah, majlis-majlis kerajaan dan swasta dan sewaktu pagi sebelum kelas bermula di sekolah-sekolah bantuan kerajaan atau lebih dikenali dengan nama sekolah kebangsaan. Mengikut protokol, apabila lagu Negaraku dimainkan, setiap individu yang berada di dalam linkungan perlulah berdiri bagi melahirkan rasa hormat dan taat setia tidak berbelah bahagi kepada negara. Ini merupakan fenomena di seluruh dunia. Jarang dapat kita lihat di majlis-majlis awam, apabila lagu kebangsaan sesebuah negara dimainkan, para tetamu sibuk bertukar pendapat dan menghabiskan masa dengan bersembang dan bergurau senda. Apa yang zahir dimata ialah mereka berdiri dan menyanyi bersama jika mereka tahu akan lagu tersebut, manakala yang kurang upaya, mereka hanya mengangkat tangan atau meletakkan telapak tangan mereka di atas dada menandakan bahawa negara mereka berada dihati pada setiap masa. Kedaulatan sesebuah negara terletak pada pundak setiap wira negara yang bakal menjadi pemimpin di esok hari. Kedaulatan yang mantap dan baik dapat melahirkan sebuah negara maju yang mampu bersaing di arena global tanpa menghiraukan bedalan taufan dan aliran deras arus globalisasi. Jaminan keamanan dan kestanbilan sesebuah negara datangnya dari kedaulatan yang tidak pernah layu dan tidak bermaya.

Ketika saya masih berada di sekolah dahulu, sudah menjadi kebiasaan saya untuk ke setiap kelas pada setiap pagi hari persekolahan untuk menutup lampu dan mempersilakan para pelajar supaya keluar dari kelas, berbaris di kaki lima dan bersedia untuk nyanyian lagu Negaraku dan bacaan doa. Kehairanan saya memuncak apabila memikirkan perkara ini. Jika rakyat negara ini gagal untuk melaksanakan sesuatu mudah bagi menandakan ketaatan pada negara, bagaimana pula nasib kedaulatan negara? Menghormati lagu Negaraku merupakan sesuatu yang penting. Sesuatu yang amat mudah tetapi nilai yang amat kompleks. Kegagalan rakyat negara ini menzahirkan kehormatan kepada kedaulatan negara merupakan sesuatu yang memalukan dan lansung tidak dapat diterima. Mungkin pada kebanyakan remaja, ini semua tidak mempunyai makna yang mendalam, tetapi tidaklah tentera Nippon memaksa nenek moyang kita menyanyikan lagu Kimigayo dan berdiri tegak bagi menghormati lagu tersebut. Pada hemat saya, sesiapa yang gagal menghormati lagu Negaraku sama seperti pembelot negara. Kedaulatan negara bukanlah satu lawak jenaka. Erti kedaulatan negara sukar untuk dirasai oleh jenerasi yang bebas melakukan apa sahaja yang mereka sukai. Tidak pernahkah terlintas di hati kita semua apakah akan terjadi jika kedaulatan negara kita musnah begitu saja. Keamanan akan bertaburan dan kekacauan mengalir ke setiap pelosok negara. Kita bebas melakukan apa sahaja yang kita suka. Saya juga bebas menulis artikel ini. Mustahil untuk kita semua berperilaku sebegini jika negara kita di bawah cengkaman penjajah.

Ramai berpendapat bahawa penjajahan kuasa besar ke atas negara lain tidak lagi berlaku pada ketika ini. Kebenaran pemikiran itu sukar untuk dipastikan. Memang tidak pernah lagi saya dengar kuasa-kuasa besar dunia menakluk sesuatu negara tetapi mereka hanya menceroboh dengan pelbagai alasan yang tidak munasabah. Penaklukan negara pada masa kini dan akan datang mungkin akan berubah wajah. Mungkin penaklukan akan berlaku melalui dunia tanpa sempadan, internet. Siapa yang tahu? Tetapi bukankah menghindari itu lebih dari mengubati. Bukanlah nyawa melayang jika kita menghormati lagu kebangsaan kita. Kebaikan mungkin datang dengan wajah yang gembira. Kedaulatan mungkin akan menjadi lebih sihat dan bersemangat.

Terdapat juga sebilangan pelajar yang tidak menghiraukan lagu Negaraku dan hanya duduk di dalam kelas. Mereka kelihatan lebih tekun menyiapkan kerja rumah atau mengulangkaji pelajaran. Tiada gunanya jika kita mempunyai pemikiran yang tajam, tetapi harga diri yang lebih rendah dari seorang yang hina. Di mata saya, mereka itu tiada istimewanya. Apabila saya serta rakan menegur kesalahan mereka, pandangan yang cukup 'istimewa' diberikan oleh mereka kepada saya. Saya mungkin tiada yang baiknya, saya mungkin tidak sepandai mereka, saya mungkin buta mindanya, tetapi saya cukup pasti, jika mereka gagal untuk menghormati lagu Negaraku, adakah mereka berjaya untuk menghormati diri mereka sendiri. Dunia ini ada pengakhirnya, hidup ini tak semua sempurna, nyawa ini ada simpulnya, sampai di simpul itu, maka terpisahlah jasad dan nyawa. Jika jasad dan nyawa ciptaan tuhan ini ada pengakhirnya, apatah lagi kerajaan buatan manusia. Memang semua yang hidup akan mati tetapi lebih baik kita panjangkan nyawa negara yang tercinta ini supaya kita dapat hidup untuk hari esok yang lebih bahagia dan menyediakan ruang nyawa bagi anak dan cucu kita yang akan datang. Hasrat kerajaan untuk melihat keamanan dalam negara akan menjadi lebih mudah untuk dicapai jika kita dapat sama-sama berganding bahu bagi memelihara kedaulatan negara. Tanggungjawab ini letaknya pada bahu kita semua. Menuding jari mencari kesalahan orang lain merupakan tindakan yang sia-sia kerana meludah ke langit akan jatuh ke atas batang hidung sendiri. Maka budaya tidak menghormati lagu Negaraku ini perlulah dilupuskan dengan segera tanpa syarat dan perjanjian.

Biar apa bangsa kita sekalipun atau warna kulit atau anutan agama, kita ini hanya satu keluarga. Sama-sama kita eratkan hubungan sesama kita kerana kitalah 1Malaysia.

Azim Omar menulis dari pendangan pelajar.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

When Smoking Is Said To Be An Attitude Problem

When I was in school 2 years ago, I came across this kind of thing a lot. Smoking when you're an underage teen is kind of usual nowadays. It is not hard for you to find or look for one. Sometimes, I wonder, why is this happening? I don't think that smoking is cool. You don't look cool if you have a 'burning' mouth. It is funny for sure. I think quite a number of people out there, especially girls, agree with me that smoking doesn't make you look cool. But that is not what I want to write about today. I am very sure that smoking can cause cancer and health problems. Even the government admit that smoking is dangerous and poses a threat to your health; and they even endorse it with their designation. You don't believe me? Buy a packet of cigarette and look at the side of the packet. It is written clearly, Amaran oleh Kerajaan Malaysia: Merokok membahayakan kesihatan( Warning, smoking can cause health problems: The Government of Malaysia). Rumor has it that passive smoker will be at greater risk than a normal active smoker. Well, like I said, it is just a rumor. Think, the smoke that they give out is being diluted by the surrounding air the very moment it enters the environment. But still, the threat to the surrounding, especially people and the environment remains.

People usually think that underage teen who smoke has a very bad attitude. No quality can be represented by those teenagers. But we forgot something. Another problem that is worse than the attitude is on the verge of acting. A lot of them is coming and they are attacking human. Known by many names and types, health problem is what I am talking about. I don't know why people can't see this clearly. Maybe we are too busy labelling others with a lot of dirty words and sentences, thus, we forgot that those cigarette smoke can harm us too. Proven epidemiologically that smokers are 18 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers and one-third of all cancer deaths are a direct result of cigarette smoking. Now, you're talking about attitude? Stop that and move on with a better plan. People can change how they behave but once you get a cancer, sorry, you can reverse it or try to behave in a different way. It is just too late to change. Carbon monoxide produced by an incomplete burning of a material, can bind with the red blood cell irreversibly. Meaning that once the carbon monoxide bind with your red blood cell, that's it, good bye. Wait for your new red blood cell to get a fully functioning one. This hidden data is not so obvious for our teens' eyes. Why can't the government issue a programme or an article to be published in newspapers, stating the other side of cigarette 'goodness'.

Once again, it is not cool! Proven experimentally in 1960s that tumours similar to those found in humans may develop in animals exposed to cigarette smoke. Maybe you can easily recognise the experiment, the one that use beagle or 'snoopy'. It is also identified that carcinogens have been identified in tar. One of the common carcinogen found in tar is benzpyrene. Extremely harmful and may prevent tumour suppressor gene from working, resulting in active developing of cancerous tissue. From data obtained by researchers, up to 50% of smokers may die of smoking related diseases such as emphysema and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD). 98% of people with emphysema are smokers and 90% of deaths from COPD are attributed to smoking. Do I give you enough data so that you could throw away that fancy coloured cigarette pack? It is true that you will never develop any of the diseases mentioned next week or next month. It will take 20 to 30 years for any symptom to develop and tell you the universal truth about the problem that you are facing. Lung cancer for example. Once confirmed by general practitioner that you are suffering from lung cancer, that's it. No cure for that because the lung itself is as big as 2 tennis courts. Imagine tumour that spread and cover the size mentioned. You just have to wait for the next month for you to see your creator.

Seek help from your doctor. There are a lot of ways that can help you with nicotine addiction. For starter, stay away from it, it will do no harm. It will if you stay with it. It is not cool! Try to think about others. The world is not yours, you see. The world is for me and you, and that's how we are; interdependent. Stop today, tomorrow will be better for you.

This is just my opinion.
Azim Omar in 'How Student Look At It'

Monday, May 31, 2010

It is a great group people!


What a great group in Facebook. I was astonished by the number of fan this group registered after the third day of it's life. Just wonderful. Created by Nazrul Farhan of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Derma, Perlis, I'd say that this group will be the next big thing. You absolutely have to sit down and buckle up as the train of memory will just drag you into your childhood memories straight away. The very first moment after I joined this group, I started to have flashbacks and dreams already. Just magnificent and beautiful as it can be. I hope other people can start joining this group including those in other continents. It may appear to be just a group but it is actually a diode to a supercomputer. This is the very momentum of history when people will start to think about their past and they will bother to drag cruelty statistic on children down. To Mr creator of this group, I have to say that you are a man with vision. Congratulations. Interested? Proceed to join them at!/group.php?gid=131021016908904&ref=ts

"sit down and buckle up as the train of memory will drag you"

Monday, April 26, 2010

Malaysia Airlines or AirAsia?

I've been thinking of posting this article since people can't decide well which airlines to choose. However, I will try to list down all the pros and cons and strictly I say, this is just my opinions. It is your power to decide.

Malaysia Airlines System (MAS)


  • Malaysian Hospitality
  • Free refreshments on board
  • Check-in counter closes 1o minutes before departure
  • You can choose your favourite seat via self check-in kiosk (KLIA)
  • 20 kg luggage allowance
  • Free newspapers
  • Board the aircraft using jet way
  • Highly trained pilot - Most of them are captains (need more than 100 flying hours to be a captain)
  • Ticket price is reasonable provided that you book it 2 weeks earlier
  • Skytrax 5 star airlines (only 6 in this whole world)
  • You'll get your personal copy of Going Places, Malaysia Airlines' official magazine


  • Ticket price will be expensive if you book it near your travelling dates
  • You can't check in if you arrived later than the allowed check-in time (KLIA)
  • You cannot choose your seat in advance if you purchase MHlow ticket



  • Cheap ticket
  • Skytrax low fare airlines
  • Leather seats
  • Huge option of refreshments on board (but I never try any of them before)
  • Krispy Kreme donuts
  • You can choose your favourite seat but you have to pay RM 9
  • Board and disembark the aircraft using both of the aircraft's doors


  • You have to pay for check-in luggage
  • Check-in counter closes 45 minutes before departure
  • Board the aircraft using the 'movable ladder'
  • Free refreshments are not available
  • Good hospitality is rarely available
  • Ticket price will be more expensive in the weekends and public holidays (Last time I checked, AirAsia's ticket is RM 20 more expensive than MAS's ticket for the last Hari Raya Aidilfitri and in the weekends, AirAsia's ticket price will be about the same as MAS's ticket
  • Convenience fee of RM 10 is not so convenience

These are everything that I managed to list. Now, you decide. For me, I'll choose MAS because the price is reasonable or cheaper (free refreshments, 20 kg checked-in luggage allowance), safety and unbeatable Malaysian hospitality. But, I'll have to choose AirAsia if MAS's ticket is too expensive. But still, the best way to do is, when you want to buy ticket, just check with both airliners. It is better that way. Firefly? For me, too expensive and not worth it.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mc Donald's In Perlis?

Is it 'a dream come true' moment? Well, it is still far from that. Apparently, we have KFC and Pizza Hut in Perlis. That is quite common for people in Perlis since we've been exposed to that for quite some time. Recently, Secret Recipe joined the game. Do you think they can compete and stay in the game or they are going to quit soon? I'm not an economist, so I can't predict or tell you any predictions. According to one of my friend, according to the Perlis's economy projections, we might not able to have a McDonald's in Perlis. But, that is just according to him.

I went to KFC last March with my old good friend and one of the smartest Derma's student. As he is eating his meal, I saw a girl, sitting in one of the restaurant's corner, drinking iced Milo while texting her friend about something. I've been wondering since. If that girl can spend RM3 on a glass of iced Milo while she can get 1 litre of the same drink with the same price 100 metres away, this is a good news. She can spend quite a lot of money on just iced Milo. Then I turned around. Owh kay! There are quite number of them with the same case as mentioned. This is a better news. If they can spend money on those simple stuff, this means that they can afford to have McD as their breakfast, lunch, dinner or even supper.

Even the economy projections say that you are not able to build one in the near future, it is just saying. Maybe it is a truth but as long as I don't see any data on papers, I am convinced that we can have one(McD) in the near future. Absolutely it will invite the 'bomber' of risks to attack your very foundation of courage in taking risks. That is business. People with expertise in business and tonnes of money in their account should try to join the game.

But, will the business profitable? I don't know. Maybe we need more surveys and datas. I heard that Perlis will have 12-screen cinema and Parkson soon. Maybe that is only a joke. But, please, before you open all of that, why dont you open a McD first. Maybe that is better. I don't know. I'm just saying.

p/s: Pardon me for the bad quality of English. I'm not good in English and I'm a very bad English user but I'm still trying to improve my English. Have a good day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

When the captain abandoned the ship

I've nothing more to say since I told them about this before. But, as expected, they kicked me hard and threw me far away. What can I do, right? I am just a person, nothing special and I have nothing in me that they can use. They think, they are right in every decision. Maybe they are. If they are right about everything, will this happen? Before I write more about this, just let me clarify to all of you that I absolutely don't have good English and even don't know how to write well in English. But I try.

I don't know what kind of crap are they thinking and please, someone, do something. You no longer have your captain in service and your vessel is sinking. Wait for him no more because the longer you wait for your captain to respond, the more damage you will do to your ship. Obviously in these moments, someone has to do the decisions. I'm just saying. Remember, I have no authority in helping them. What I can do is urge them to think. Be an adult please, oh my junior prefects. Think. You can't think because your mind is bloody children. Be an adult. You are a child living in an adult's body. You can afford spending time to think about those adult's stuff but you deliberately don't want to spend time to think about how to solve this. SMKD Prefectorial Board, please, help yourself.