Monday, October 25, 2010

The Lady That I've Always Rely On

Yes, a lady. Beautiful, not so tall, wonderful, super mom, a Farmville fan and always a great cook. My mother is everything to me that she owned half of my life. She baked a great chocolate cake, cook a wonderful sambal tumis and provide uncompareable hospitality. Afterall, that is what all the moms should do. It is great though to have someone like her around. And who is that 'someone like her'. It will be her sisters. My aunts, that always take care about me. You know, asking question like, are you ok? How is your studies? About this and that. Yes, my lovely aunts: Wangah, Alang, Acik, Atih. They never say bad things behind my back. They don't stab, kick and slap me. They don't gossip about me. What they do know is, he is my nephew and I should protect him. Back to my mother, she taught me how to stir a cake mixture once, and now, thank God that I know how to bake a cake. Lastly, I would like to appreciate your love mom. Thank you Mak.

The Power of Perseverance of a Man

I realised that I'm going to be older soon. Without my father, I'm not going to be here. I know I am a weak teenage boy who is going into an adult world. Sometimes, I barely can stand this huge pressure the world put on me. But, I often think about my father when things gone out of control. How he managed to stand firmly on the ground when people smack him hard on his heart of life. I still remember that day. That one particular day when a person called him a cow. And that person is someone that should back him up. Still, my father can walk around like nothing happened. When I look at him in his two aged eyes while he is enjoying that white burning stick in his mouth, I see a person full of stories. Yet, those stories only come out once in a blue moon. When he cracked a joke, it is a good one. Always make me laugh. This is a man that brings happiness to my life, he owned a quarter of my life and he inspired me all my life. Thank you Bapak.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunway University College July 2009 Science 1 Class

These people put a smile on my face everyday. Thank you and a huge hug to all of you. We always going to be buddies.

World Hunger

People talk about world hunger often. What is it? Is it a fiesta or a party or something we can benefit from? From the meaning itself, we know that this is not a platform to become a popular person. People talk about how crops planted around the world is not enough to feed humans. They talk about the difficulties in bringing enough yield so that they can feed everyone on Earth. Think. Are they really telling us the truth or they are just filling the pages of newspaper with lies and crap they we, or at least those hungry people don't want to listen to. My upcoming article is about the world hunger. Want to read it? You have to wait....